This documentation page provides (pointers to) introductory reading material on imprecise probabilities (IP). It covers four books on imprecise probabilities, and provides an extensive list of tutorials and lectures on various subtopics. This documentation page has been completely redesigned in 2021. Some of the material that was available in previous versions is still available in the SIPTA archive.
Books on imprecise probabilities
From a historical point of view, there are three important reference works:
- Statistical Reasoning with Imprecise Probabilities, by Peter Walley.
- Elementare Grundbegriffe einer allgemeineren Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I, by Kurt Weichselberger.
- Interval Statistical Models, by Vladimir Kuznetsov.
Each of these books is still relevant today. The first is out of print though, and the other two are only available in German and Russian, respectively. For Kuznetsov’s book, SIPTA makes available a free copy; we are also involved in a collaborative translation of that book.

In 2014, to address the need for an easily accessible overview of the field, members of the SIPTA society wrote and edited Introduction to Imprecise Probabilities. It provides a comprehensive introduction to imprecise probabilities, covering theory as well as applications. If you’d like to know how this book came to be, you can read all about it in the following blog post.
There are also various books available that focus on specific topics within imprecise probabilities, or on specific types of models such as lower previsions, belief functions, etcetera. Searching for your topic of interest on google should get you a long way.
ISIPTA tutorials
Several ISIPTA conferences featured tutorials that provide a gentle introduction to a wide range of important topics in imprecise probability. A complete list, with links to the material, is given below.
Imprecise probability in engineering – a case study
M. Oberguggenberger
S. Ferson
Generalized information theory
G. Klir
An introduction to the theory of coherent lower previsions
E. Miranda
Imprecise Dirichlet model for multinomial data
J.M. Bernard
Graph-theoretical models for multivariate modeling with imprecise probabilities
F. Cozman
A gentle introduction to imprecise probability models and their behavioral interpretation
G. de Cooman
Partial identification of probability distributions
C.F. Manski
Imprecise probabilities and ambiguity aversion in economic modeling
S. Mukerji
SIPTA School lectures
Every two years, at the SIPTA School, experts on imprecise probabilities give introductory lectures about important topics in the field, both theoretical and applied. For each such topic, we here provide a selection of direct links to the material. We omit older lectures because they often have significant overlap with more recent ones; that material is still available on the websites of past schools though.
Introduction to imprecise probabilities
Presented by E. Quaeghebeur at the SIPTA School in 2024
Foundations of imprecise probabilities
Presented by G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2022
[ slides 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ slides 3 ] [ slides 4 ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ] [ video 3 ] [ video 4 ]
Introduction to imprecise probabilities
Presented by I. Montes at the SIPTA School in 2020
[ slides ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ] [ exercises ] [ solutions ]
The schools of 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006 and 2004 also covered this topic.
Independence in imprecise probability
Presented by F. Cozman at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Irrelevance, independence and coherence
Presented by G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Structural judgements
Presented by G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2010
The school of 2008 also covered this topic.
The logic of desirability
Presented by A. Facchini at the SIPTA School in 2024
[ slides ]
Belief functions
Presented by S. Destercke at the SIPTA School in 2018
Non additive measures
Presented by I. Couso & D. Dubois at the SIPTA School in 2014
[ slides ]
Coherent conditional lower previsions
Presented by E. Miranda at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Sets of desirable gambles
Presented by E. Quaeghebeur at the SIPTA School in 2010
Presented by M. Troffaes at the SIPTA School in 2024
[ handouts ] [ ] [ video ]
Decision making
Presented by T. Seidenfeld at the SIPTA School in 2022
[ slides 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ slides 3 ] [ slides 4 ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ] [ video 3 ] [ video 4 ]
Preferences and choice functions
Presented by T. Seidenfeld at the SIPTA School in 2012
The schools of 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010 and 2004 also covered this topic.
Imprecise probabilistic graphical models in AI: Reasoning, machine learning and causal inference
Presented by A. Antonucci at the SIPTA School in 2024
[ slides ] [ references ] [ notebook ] [ video ]
Credal nets, probabilistic circuits and generative random forests
Presented by C. de Campo at the SIPTA School in 2022
[ slides 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ video ] [ examples ]
Credal networks
Presented by F. Cozman & D. Mauá at the SIPTA School in 2020
[ slides ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ]
Graphical models
Presented by A. Antonucci, C. de Campos & F. Mangili at the SIPTA School in 2014
[ slides ]
Credal trees under epistemic irrelevance
Presented by G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
The schools of 2016, 2014, 2010 and 2004 also covered this topic.
Machine learning with IP
Presented by C. de Campos at the SIPTA School in 2018
Presented by A. Antonucci at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Presented by C. de Campos, A. Antonucci & G. Corani at the SIPTA School in 2010
Statistics and imprecise probabilities
Presented by T. Augustin at the SIPTA School in 2022
[ slides ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ]
Game-theoretic foundations for statistical testing and imprecise probabilities
Presented by G. Shafer at the SIPTA School in 2020
[ slides 1 ] [ video 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ video 2 ]
Inferential models
Presented by R. Martin at the SIPTA School in 2020
[ slides ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ]
Robust Bayesian statistics and reliability networks
Presented by G. Walter at the SIPTA School in 2016
[ slides ]
Predictive inference
Presented by E. Quaeghebeur & G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2014
[ slides ] [ Poisson ] [ binomial ] [ symmetry ] [ exchangeability ]
Bayes linear statistics
Presented by J. Cumming & I. Vernon at the SIPTA School in 2010
[ slides ] [ exercises ] [ solutions ]
Nonparametric predictive inference
Presented by F. Coolen & T. Coolen-Maturi at the SIPTA School in 2010
Imprecise-probabilistic processes
Presented by A. Erreygers & M. Kupper at the SIPTA School in 2024
[ slides I ] [ slides II ] [ video I ]
Markov Decision Processes with Imprecise Probabilities (MDPIPs)
Presented by F. Cozman at the SIPTA School in 2022
Queueing systems
Presented by G. de Cooman & F. Hermans at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
State sequence estimation in imprecise hidden Markov models
Presented by J. De Bock at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Imprecise Markov chains
Presented by D. Škulj at the SIPTA School in 2010
Presented by S. Ferson at the SIPTA School in 2018
[ slides ]
Environmental applications
Presented by U. Sahlin at the SIPTA School in 2016
Engineering applications
Presented by E. Patelli at the SIPTA School in 2016
[ slides ]
Climate change applications
Presented by H. Held at the SIPTA School in 2014
[ slides ]
Earthquake rate prediction
Presented by A. Van Camp & G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Correcting mistakes of OCR software
Presented by J. De Bock at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Environmental and military applications
Presented by A. Antonucci & M. Zaffalon at the SIPTA School in 2008
[ slides ]
Quantum probability
Presented by G. de Cooman at the SIPTA School in 2024
Accuracy for imprecise probabilities
Presented by J. Konek & B. Levinstein at the SIPTA School in 2022
[ slides 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ slides 3 ] [ video 1 ] [ video 2 ] [ video 3 ] [ IP_Loss.ipynb ] [ Spherical_loss.ipynb ]
Probabilistic logic, programming and argumentation
Presented by F. Cozman at the SIPTA School in 2022
[ slides 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ slides 3 ] [ video ]
Expert Aggregation
Presented by S. Bradley at the SIPTA School in 2020
[ slides 1 ] [ slides 2 ] [ video ]
Risk analysis
Presented by D. Dubois at the SIPTA School in 2012
[ slides ]
Game theoretic probability
Presented by G. Shafer at the SIPTA School in 2008
[ slides ]