The Society for Imprecise Probabilities:
Theories and Applications

Blog category: Software

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Improb: A Python library for lower previsions and decision making

Posted on April 14, 2014 in Software by Matthias C.M. Troffaes

Improb started in 2008 as a fairly small library for solving simple toy examples involving natural extension. The idea was to support exact rational calculations for lower previsions, by means of Komei Fukuda’s linear programming package cddlib. The very first incarnation of the library simply supported calculating the (unconditional) natural extension from any finite collection of assessments, and checking for avoiding sure loss and coherence. For about two years, not much happened with the code, until 2010.

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Software for credal classification

Posted on February 6, 2014 in Software by Giorgio Corani

A classifier is a statistical model of the relationship between the attributes (features) of an object and its category (class). Classifiers are learned from a training set and later are used on the test set to predict the class of a new object given its features. Credal classifiers extend traditional classifiers allowing for set-valued (or indeterminate) predictions of classes. The output set is typically larger when the data set is small or it contains many missing values. Credal classifiers aim at producing reliable classifications also in conditions of poor information. I am aware of only two software suitable for credal classification.

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